Preprost, a priročen ChatGPT prompt hack 🤖
ChatGPT je postal del vsakdana zares veliko ljudi. Ok, mogoče ne še čist vsakdana, ampak ej, v nedeljo popoldan me je soseda na ulici vprašala, če poznam ChatGPT. Pred nedavnim
ChatGPT je postal del vsakdana zares veliko ljudi. Ok, mogoče ne še čist vsakdana, ampak ej, v nedeljo popoldan me je soseda na ulici vprašala, če poznam ChatGPT. Pred nedavnim
S hčerko gledava oddajo Krompir — ki je btw res fajn oddaja 👏 rtv mladinski program — ko v studio pride Ajda Mrak in predstavi projekt Futr za jutr. Niko
Načrtovanje nove spletne strani je ena mojih najljubših aktivnostih v življenju. Tako v službi, kot zase in svoje projekte. Ampak čeprav se vedno trudiš delat na način, da bi bil
Danes sem na r/vinyl subredditu našu tale dragulj. In mi je dal mislit, da je sigurno je še ful enih zanimivih dizajnov vinlik, ki bi jih blo vredno (s)poznat. In
Lepe stvari res lahko polepšajo dan. To me je prešinilo, ko sem danes zjutraj, ob šele drugi kavi naletel na spletno stran pravljice o hecnem zajčku. Ker je moj job
In … ali si kdaj zares razmišljal/a o tem, da bi za svoj default brskalnik nastavil Microsoft Bing? Jup, jaz tudi ne. Do prejšnjega tedna, ko so v Bing na
Zadnje pol leta sem malo delal na pisanju v angleškem jeziku. Za vajo. Drill. In da malo primerjam delovanje orodij, ki pomagajo pri pisanju, med pisanjem v slo in ang
So, you know how after the Super Bowl, the winning team’s players say they’re going to Disney World? But how did it come to this? If you an #NFL fan
So, you wanna send a cute Valentine’s card with a unique message, but you suck at writing. I can relate. That’s why I was happy to find out Valentine’s card
I was today years old when I found out Microsoft has a Microsoft Rewards loyalty program. And not just that. They have it for … not kidding now … over
It was on Neal’s website, that I first heard read about the term Creative Coder. I fell in love. In the concept. The ideas. In the creator. I wanna be
Wonderlab+ is a really fun and instructive website created by The Science Museum Group for children and families. It’s a web platform for playing educational games, taking quizzes, watching informative
Rather late, I finally took some time to reflect on the past year. 2022 was a big year for me. In lots of ways. I got married. My daughter started
Imagine if the folks at Dunder Mifflin traded in their staplers for animators’ pencils and were transformed into the colorful world of Pixar! Imagine Dwight as a quirky and lovable
Baidu, China’s largest search engine company, plans to launch a ChatGPT-style AI chatbot application in March this year. Initially, it will be embedded in its main search services. The tool
People always believed in something bigger than themselves. Something that was here long before them, and that’ll live long after they’re gone. Traditions, Religions, Institutions, Teams, Protocolos, and even companies,
I stumbled upon Neal Agarwal a couple of weeks ago doing some classic midnight internet stretching. žThis guy is amazing. He builds awesome stuff on the internet. Most of them
@norahsakal built a great mini-tool called Bookmarerr over the weekend and did it all in public. She wrote down the whole thought process and how she tackled building. When reading
A book summary of “A Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl with personal learning and 5 key takeaways.
When I was young, I was crazy about my idols and heroes. And that’s nothing special I’d say. I think we were all a bit crazy and obsessed with icons