Pametni pomočnik za rojstnodnevna voščila: 🎉
Z ekipo smo v zadnjih par tednih delali eno simple verzijo AI orodja, ki uporabnikom pomaga ustvariti unikatno, personalizirano in zabavno rojstnodnevno voščilo. Imenuje se
Z ekipo smo v zadnjih par tednih delali eno simple verzijo AI orodja, ki uporabnikom pomaga ustvariti unikatno, personalizirano in zabavno rojstnodnevno voščilo. Imenuje se
A ni fajn, ko se na pomemben test, izpit ali predstavitev pripravljaš s prijateljem/ico in lahko ponavljanje snovi narediš bolj interaktivno – kot kviz oz
Zadnje pol leta sem malo delal na pisanju v angleškem jeziku. Za vajo. Drill. In da malo primerjam delovanje orodij, ki pomagajo pri pisanju, med
So, you know how after the Super Bowl, the winning team’s players say they’re going to Disney World? But how did it come to this?
@norahsakal built a great mini-tool called Bookmarerr over the weekend and did it all in public. She wrote down the whole thought process and how
When I was young, I was crazy about my idols and heroes. And that’s nothing special I’d say. I think we were all a bit
While browsing Twitter I stumbled upon this really nicely done Christmas Card by LA based design studio TheLittleLabs. Build on top of the 8th Wall
Yes, it sure is a bit annoying when you just trying to read an article, but it’s actually clickbait and you end up browsing to
Waymark is a small Michigan startup that is working to make video creation more accessible with the help of AI. Users can simply input basic
Over the past few months, I have been closely following the development and evolution of AI tools and resources. It seems that over the past
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