Something bigger …

People always believed in something bigger than themselves.

Something that was here long before them, and that’ll live long after they’re gone.

Traditions, Religions, Institutions, Teams, Protocolos, and even companies, and social groups.

And I get that, and I know that firsthand as well.

But one thing that I don’t get with some people believing in something bigger, is to never critic, question, rethink, or re-articulate … its purpose, values … and sole being in the present time.

Adding new perspectives to some existing traditions does not, in any possible way, mean that those beliefs or traditions limit anybody else.

Let’s take for example one current, quite funny, event in Slovenia.

A president of the Slovenian parliament was being photographed in a short skirt on a protocol event.

Looking at current protocol standards the outfit was inappropriate.

But one might argue that such a rigid view on outfits or dress codes in the political protocol, is a bit silly.

It’s not like she was there butt-naked.

She wore a short skirt. Above her knees.

Now, I haven’t put much thought into this subject, so I don’t know details about the protocol, where it dates to, what broader contexts it belongs to, and so on …

But I think it’s a bit stupid that in 2023 this is even a matter of debate.

I’ve always been fascinated by how boring and dull people in politics are.

I can’t think of any other interest group so big and so, soooooo tedious and monotonous.

You don’t see this almost anywhere else. Nor in business, sports, art, … maybe law, but even there you can find a loose canon or two.

But not in politics.

And I think that’s sad.

I think there is a lot more representatives who enjoy being dressed more casually.

They might even, god forbid, feel more true as themselves. Be more authentic.

I’m sure a lot of servants sitting in the Parliament would rather sit there in their fine-tuned polo shirts.

And a pair of jeans.

But some wouldn’t.

Because they love wearing suits, and dresses and being true OG’s.

But that’s a bit unjust.

They get to feel free to do as they please, want, and feel the most true to themselves.

But others can’t.

Because of the protocol.

And that’s stupid. And unfair.

And the ones that have the most to say about it, are the ones usually the loudest about freedom of any kind.

But this was just an example.

If we return to the start of this thought.

About making Traditions, Religions, Institutions, Teams, Protocolos, even companies, and social groups even bigger, stronger, and more attractive for all the next generations.

Its sad people aren’t more prone to question and re-interpret traditions in any way, sort or form through a more present perspective.

I think it would benefit a lot of people.

Especially those truly passionate and devoted to that specific thing.

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