I walked Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship Ljubljana (Pot spominov in tovarištva)

As i mentioned in my yearly overview, this year I want to walk across Slovenia.

Idea and logistical preparations already started in december, but couple of weeks ago I also started to train my legs and head. I started with a walk from my home to my parents house. I finished 18 kilometers in just over two hours.

But to walk across Slovenia means walking from 30 to 50 km daily to finish in eight to ten days, so legs need to get strong(er).

Yesterday was time for another – a bit more serious – training.

Ljubljana has this amazing trail called Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship (Pot spominov in tovarištva).

Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship Ljubljana
Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship

For those unfamiliar, the Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship – or the “Path Around Ljubljana” – is a 33-km-long trail that circles the city.

It follows the route of the barbed-wire fence that surrounded Ljubljana during World War II.

Today, it’s a peaceful green belt, popular with runners, cyclists, and walkers.

The path starts two and a half kilometers from my house, so I started straight from my home.

Of course I missed the trail on couple of times and the result of that was at least 3 kilometers longer walk than it should be.

At the 30km mark I was quite tired and legs started to hurt and burn.

For the last five km it was actually easier for me to run in a slow pace.

Legs hurt way more if I walked.

The weather was perfect. Cold, but sunny.

The best section of the trail was from Rudnik to Rakova Jelša over Murgle to Dolgi most. Epic scenery, peacful and calm.

From Dolgi most to Koseze was just too much people on the trail.

At the end I did:

  • almost 40 kilometers
  • 42.750 steps
  • walked for 5 hours and 58 minutes
  • with an average pace of 9 min / kilometer, and
  • burned 2500 calories.

Next up: From my home to a small town called Logatec. But with more weight in my backpack than this time.

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