We finally did it and completely redesigned our website – www.escapebox.si!
We have been working hard to improve the user experience and make it easier for our visitors to key content, demo games & recent articles on gamification.
Our new design features a playful and interactive look, focusing on simplicity and ease of navigation. In addition to the visual refresh, we have added several new features and functionality to the site.

Here are some biggest changes we made:
🎨 Enhanced our design system – the central mint gradient is now clearly supplemented by three additional colors. Each represents its own product group (under the pink 💗 you will immediately find all the information about quizzes, blue 💙 represents advertising games, and sunny 💛 yellow gamification in tourism and cultural heritage.
🥷 We added a new central graphic element to the graphic image, with which we will communicate and present solutions, projects, and notes in a more playful way.
🚩 Our game development methodology has been given its own name 7flags Method, graphic language, and is now also available in the form of a fun seminar as well.
🕹 You can now try out all digital creations in the game Playground and find inspiration for your own game or quiz.
👾 Don’t miss the refreshed Escapebox illustrated superheroes.
🤖 We brought contact forms to life and made them more playful, multi-step, and interactive.

📚 We wrote a ton of content and created ebook for each product group! Now you can easily tap into knowledge about gamification, advergames, quizzes and cultural gamified experiences.
📊 We developed our own analytical tool, which we recently introduced, and which now powers all our digital solutions”Regenerate response
And finally, we built an interactive blog post feedback mechanism. Our hypothesis here was if we put user in front of fun request “How did you like this blog post?” and two simple feedbacks “Yay” or “Nay” should do the work and create more responses & newsletter signups.

Poglej na www.escapebox.si