brainylab 2024 Engagement Rate Report: Key Takeaways

We all know that nowdays simply “reaching” your audience is not enough.

You need to engage them.

But how?

That’s the million-dollar question, and me and my team have been collecting data for the past two years, to find some answers.

The Engagement Rate Report digs deep into how brands can leverage AI and gamification to create meaningful interactions.

And with them drive conversions.

To finnaly build long-term relationship and loyalty.

If you’re a marketer trying to figure out the next big move, this report is your cheat sheet for using interactive tools in your marketing strategies.

Here are the highlights.

brainylab 2024 Engagement Rate Report: Key Takeaways

Engagement Rates Are Soaring with the right type of Gamification

The first big takeaway? 

Gamification works.

Across multiple industries, from retail to e-commerce, brands using gamification tools like quizzes, games, and interactive challenges saw an average engagement rate of 52.9%.

That’s huge, considering the industry average for standard, non-gamified content hovers much lower.

Want to know why this matters?

Higher engagement means more time spent interacting with your brand—and more opportunities to convert those interactions into actions.

Take brand games for instance. The report shows that games like spin-the-wheel and advent calendars achieved a staggering 86.46% completion rate. Users didn’t just interact—they finished. And as we all know, finishing is where the magic happens.

Pro Tip: If you haven’t already integrated a game or interactive element into your marketing, now is the time. Gamified content isn’t just fun; it pulls users deeper into your brand experience.

Quizzes: Not Just for Fun, But for Results

We’ve been talking about quizzes forever, but here’s why you need to take them seriously.

The report found that knowledge quizzes—those fun, fact-based ones that tap into your users’ interests—showed an engagement rate of 55.21%.

Not bad, right?

But it gets better.

Knowledge quizzes also convert.

According to the data, these quizzes lead to a subscription rate of 22.93%.

Engagement Rate by Solution Type

That means one in four people who engage with a knowledge quiz goes on to subscribe, sign up, or engage further.

It’s not just a traffic boost; it’s a lead-gen machine.

AI-Powered Tools: The Secret to Personalization

You’ve heard about AI taking over the world—and marketing is no exception.

The report highlights the incredible power of AI-driven content creators, which achieved an engagement rate of 90.8%.

Yes, you read that right—90%.

Engagement Rate by different types of AI tools

Why? Because AI allows for personalization at scale. When users feel like they’re getting something just for them, they’re more likely to engage. It’s a win-win: users get a tailored experience, and you get data and leads.

Pro Tip: Incorporate AI into your content strategies. From personalized product recommendations to AI-driven quizzes, the sky’s the limit. Plus, with results like a subscription rate of 34.39% for AI tools, it’s hard to argue with the numbers.

Gamification by Industry: Retail and E-commerce Dominate

If you’re in retail or e-commerce, this one’s for you.

The report breaks down industry-specific results, and retail is the clear leader.

For example, retail campaigns in the food sector saw a 65.12% engagement rate, while e-commerce and auto-moto industries enjoyed rates of 57.43%.

These numbers make one thing clear: gamification is especially effective for product-based industries.

Whether it’s a collection game for a new product line or an interactive quiz for product recommendations, these tools create a hands-on experience that users love.

Pro Tip: If you’re in retail or e-commerce, focus on gamified shopping experiences. Use games to introduce new products or seasonal collections. Think about how fun it is to “unlock” a new item or deal. That’s the kind of interactive experience that keeps users coming back for more.

Engagement vs. Subscription: The Balancing Act

Engagement is great, but at the end of the day, what really matters is conversion.

While the report shows an impressive 52.9% engagement rate across all users, it’s important to note that the subscription rate averaged 22.93%.

Engagement vs Subscription Rate by Audience

So how do you bridge the gap between engagement and conversion?

According to the data, the most effective tools for turning engagement into subscriptions were multi-game experiencesand custom gamification strategies.

These tools not only drew users in but kept them around long enough to want to subscribe.

Pro Tip: Balance your gamified strategies. Use lighter engagement tools like quizzes and single games to capture attention, and more in-depth tools like multi-game experiences to drive conversions.

How to use this data in your marketing?

If there’s one takeaway from this report, it’s this: AI and gamification aren’t just trends—they’re the future of marketing.

Whether it’s using AI to personalize content at scale or gamified tools to drive engagement, these strategies are no longer optional.

They’re a necessity.

The brands that succeed in the next few years will be those that embrace these tools and find creative ways to integrate them into their marketing funnels.

If you want to dive deeper, see the whole report here.

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